Transform your organization with applied practical (Praxis) professional development via an innovative (Novum), flexible (Flex) format that delivers measurable, sustainable results.

The Power of Collaborative Learning

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True innovation and growth happen when minds come together. These programs are designed to harness the collective strength of participants by pairing them up to tackle material, share insights, and build solutions as a team.

Participants team up with a collaboration partner (who may or may not also be doing the program, or even the same topic). With guidance and step-by-step instructions found in their chosen-level handbook, the participant goes from simply understanding core concepts to actively applying them in real-world scenarios. Through discussions and shared action plans, participants refine their insights, solve problems collaboratively, and develop creative solutions, all while tracking their progress and impact. The collaboration enhances accountability and provides a dynamic learning experience, ensuring that both partners grow, regardless of their individual focus areas.

Collaboration isn’t just an advantage—it’s a catalyst for deeper learning and more impactful results.


Through this approach, participants engage with the program by bouncing ideas, challenging each other’s perspectives, and refining strategies in real-time. This peer-driven process promotes creativity, accountability, and a broader understanding of key concepts. By working together on a given task – or even just discussing it in a structured format, participants experience the value of diverse viewpoints, learning how to collaboratively solve problems and generate innovative ideas.

Participants don’t just learn—they grow together, creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment that maximizes the potential of every individual and the organization as a whole.

  • Over 80% of L&D practitioners believe that collaborative learning is essential or important to an organization’s effectiveness
  • – BUT –
  • Only 20% of L&D practitioners use collaborative learning as an instructional strategy with any frequency!
  • [Source:]

Praxis Novum Flex

Welcome to:  Praxis Novum – Flex

Customized & Flexible Collaborative Professional Development

We have over three decades of experience and believe in the transformative power of professional development that is both personalized and actionable.

Our programs designed to offer the flexibility and depth your team needs to thrive, combining the best of structured learning with the freedom to tailor the experience to your organization’s unique goals.


Choose Your Pathway


We have four Pathways designed for different types of organizations.

  • Each of the Pathways gets access to the entire program of 300 units (30 topics x 10 unit questions per topic)
  • The Participant Handbook contained within that specific Pathway then guides the individual learner according to that chosen Pathway

Innovative Pathways – Programs for Corporate Organizations

Innovative Pathways is designed to help corporate organizations stay ahead of the curve by fostering a culture of innovation, adaptability, and continuous improvement. This program is built for companies looking to thrive in an increasingly competitive and fast-paced business landscape by engaging every team member in driving change, sparking creativity, and improving operational efficiency.

From problem-solving to strategic decision-making, Innovative Pathways equips employees at all levels with the tools and mindsets necessary to embrace innovation and contribute to the company’s success. The program focuses on unlocking the potential within your workforce, encouraging collaboration, and nurturing forward-thinking approaches to tackle challenges and seize new opportunities.

Whether your organization is seeking to refine internal processes, boost productivity, or explore cutting-edge solutions, Innovative Pathways offers a dynamic framework for staying competitive and resilient in a rapidly evolving corporate environment. Empower your team to lead with creativity, adapt quickly, and drive sustainable growth.

Purposeful Pathways – Programs for Non-Profit Organizations

Purposeful Pathways is specifically designed for non-profit organizations seeking to maximize their impact and align their operations with their mission. This program empowers teams to enhance critical thinking, improve collaboration, and make strategic decisions that drive meaningful change in the communities they serve.

Through a focus on mission-driven action, Purposeful Pathways equips non-profit staff at all levels with the tools to navigate challenges, foster innovation, and ensure that resources are used effectively. The program encourages a culture of accountability and purpose, helping individuals and teams stay focused on their organizational goals while adapting to an evolving landscape.

Whether you’re looking to optimize your operations, improve stakeholder engagement, or enhance the effectiveness of your initiatives, Purposeful Pathways provides the strategies and insights needed to lead your organization toward long-term success and sustainable growth, all while staying true to your core mission.

Visionary Pathways – Programs for Faith-Based Organizations

Visionary Pathways is crafted to support faith-based organizations in fostering spiritual leadership, community engagement, and organizational growth. This program equips individuals and teams with practical tools and strategies to guide their congregations and communities while staying aligned with their core spiritual values.

Focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by faith-based organizations, Visionary Pathways encourages forward-thinking approaches to leadership, helping participants embrace change, cultivate deeper connections, and lead with a sense of vision and purpose. Whether it’s enhancing communication, improving operational efficiency, or driving growth in outreach efforts, this program provides actionable insights for creating lasting impact.

Empower your faith-based organization to lead with clarity, inspire your community, and drive transformation with Visionary Pathways, where spiritual mission meets visionary leadership and action.

Venture Pathways – Programs for Entrepreneurial Organizations

Venture Pathways is designed to empower entrepreneurial companies with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape. This program is crafted specifically for organizations that value agility, innovation, and bold decision-making, offering a dynamic approach that enables every team member to contribute to the company’s growth and success.

Whether you’re scaling a startup or leading an established entrepreneurial venture, Venture Pathways equips you with actionable strategies to navigate challenges, foster creativity, and drive continuous progress. The program focuses on cultivating a culture of innovation, sharpening critical thinking, and empowering individuals at all levels to take ownership of their roles in shaping the future of the company.

With Venture Pathways, entrepreneurial organizations can explore new avenues for growth, optimize their operations, and position themselves to capitalize on emerging opportunities, all while staying true to the daring spirit that drives success.


Choose Your Level


The programs begin with a comprehensive handbook, guiding participants through the steps of engagement, and how to work with their collaboration partner.  These handbooks are developed according to the level that fits their needs and experience – Foundation, Enhanced, or Advanced.

Three Handbook Levels of Program Engagement: Foundation, Enhanced, and Advanced

These programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of organizations, offering three distinct levels of engagement—Foundation, Enhanced, and Advanced—to ensure that individuals and teams can progress at a pace that suits their capabilities and goals.

  • Foundation Level: This entry-level option introduces participants to the core concepts of leadership, innovation, and organizational transformation. The Foundation Level focuses on building a solid understanding of key principles while providing practical, approachable action items. Ideal for those who are new to these concepts or prefer a manageable starting point, this level emphasizes growth without overwhelming demands.

  • Enhanced Level: For those ready to dive deeper, the Enhanced Level offers more challenging strategies and action items, encouraging participants to refine their skills and apply what they’ve learned with greater impact. This level balances accessibility with more advanced problem-solving techniques, helping teams drive meaningful change and innovation within their organizations.

  • Advanced Level: The Advanced Level is designed for individuals and teams seeking a rigorous, high-intensity approach to leadership and organizational growth. Participants will engage with complex strategies and bold action plans, pushing boundaries to lead transformative initiatives. This level is perfect for those who are ready to fully immerse themselves in driving innovation and achieving long-term success.

Each participant chooses the Handbook level that best fits them, their current needs, and ambitions. 

Additionally, each level allows participants to engage with the same critical topics, including leadership, adaptability, and collaboration, but with varying degrees of depth and intensity.

Collaboration Across the Program

Participants have the freedom to choose their collaboration partners for different sections of the program, based on their needs and the particular focus of each section. This flexibility allows participants to draw on a range of perspectives. Collaborating with others in this way amplifies the learning experience, bringing fresh insights and diverse problem-solving approaches to the table.

Benefits of Collaboration:

  1. Broader Perspectives: Collaborating with individuals from different backgrounds or expertise areas encourages creative solutions and challenges assumptions, leading to more innovative outcomes.

  2. Enhanced Learning: Engaging with different partners allows participants to apply program concepts in real-world contexts and learn from the practical experiences of others, both inside and outside their organization.

  3. Flexible Knowledge Application: By choosing different collaboration partners for each section, participants can adapt their learning to different challenges and objectives, reinforcing key skills through varied interactions.

  4. Strengthened Networks: Collaboration fosters stronger professional relationships and expands participants’ networks, offering valuable connections that can continue beyond the scope of the program.

  5. Increased Accountability: Working with collaboration partners increases accountability, ensuring participants stay engaged and motivated as they progress through the program.

This approach ensures participants gain maximum value from each section while tailoring their collaboration efforts to suit their specific needs and goals.

To ensure participants make the most of these collaborative opportunities, the Participant Handbook provides detailed guidance on how to approach collaboration, select partners for specific sections, and communicate effectively with peers both within and outside the program.

This support helps participants navigate the collaborative process with confidence and purpose, ensuring they maximize their personal and professional growth throughout the program.


Choose Your Topic


Then, the participants (or perhaps their managers) select from 30 flexible, self-paced topics, and 10 units within each topic (each unit can be stand-alone, or study all ten as an entire subject/topic), where individuals can focus on the information that matter most to them, ensuring a highly relevant and impactful learning journey.

Study an individual unit or an entire topic – the choice is yours!

Each short, concise, self-paced unit comes with practical information and detailed action plans to facilitate the application of new knowledge in real-world situations.


Participants complete a subjective practical understanding Topic Knowledge Self-Assessment at both the beginning and end of the unit that allows them (or even their manager) to measure the results of their learning, demonstrating the tangible impact of their professional growth.

The participant’s Handbook guides them through the process, is focused on the specific Pathway relevant to your organization, and the chosen Level determines the depth to which the material is recommended to be applied.

While most of our topics are universally relevant across all Pathways, we’ve carefully included a few, such as Volunteer Management, that may seem specific to certain sectors but hold valuable lessons for everyone. We believe that all organizations can benefit from these topics because the underlying principles of managing, motivating, and leading people are applicable to all types of teams—whether those teams are volunteers or employees.

Volunteer Management, for instance, teaches skills in communication and relationship-building, that are equally important when managing diverse corporate teams. The ability to inspire, engage, and effectively lead individuals who may not be financially motivated can help managers in any setting develop a deeper understanding of leadership and team dynamics.

Study what you need when you need it!

Including such topics across all levels ensures that every participant, regardless of their sector, learns to appreciate and utilize these broader lessons in management and human connection. By applying these insights, even corporate leaders can improve their ability to foster engagement, build trust, and drive results within their organizations.

How long is each unit? 

The answer to that is multi-faceted – and is self-directed by the participant (or suggested by their manager).

The initial material for each individual question is deliberately ‘bite-sized’ to instantly engage the participant, and will usually take around ten minutes.  So, for instance, the overview for the first question listed below, “How can I identify areas within our organization where AI can enhance efficiency and effectiveness?” will take the participant approximately 10 minutes.

… … …then the magic happens… … …

Each question contains several action items and collaboration exercises so the participant actually applies the learning.

These action plans take most participants anywhere from around one to three hours to complete each action set. The level of depth, and therefore the true amount of time that is invested into any one area, is guided by the level of the participant Handbook (Foundation, Enhanced, or Advanced). Most participants invest a minimum of one to three hours on the collaboration, creative thinking, and application exercises, and this further enhances learning and sustainable transformation.

Therefore, for the Foundation-level participant, each question can be anywhere from around two to three hours – and for the more advanced learner, a single question may turn into a career-long learning and application endeavor.

This holistic approach is part of what makes Praxis Novum programs adaptable and inclusive, ensuring that every participant benefits from a well-rounded, comprehensive learning experience.

  1. How can I identify areas within our organization where AI can enhance efficiency and effectiveness?
  2. What steps can I take to ensure AI integration aligns with our mission and values?
  3. How can I use AI tools to improve donor engagement and fundraising efforts?
  4. What can I do to implement AI solutions that assist with data analysis and decision-making?
  5. How can AI be used to automate routine administrative tasks to free up staff for higher-impact work?
  6. What training can I offer to ensure my team feels confident in using AI tools effectively?
  7. How can I evaluate the ethical implications of using AI within our organization?
  8. What can I do to ensure AI systems respect the privacy and data security of our stakeholders?
  9. How can AI help us better predict trends and improve program outcomes?
  10. What steps can I take to continuously assess and adapt our AI strategies as technology evolves?

  1. How can I foster open communication and collaboration between board members and staff?
  2. What steps can I take to ensure board members are aligned with our organization’s mission and strategy?
  3. How can I create clear roles and responsibilities for board members to maximize their contributions?
  4. What strategies can I implement to improve engagement and active participation from board members?
  5. How can I provide ongoing education and training to ensure our board remains informed and effective?
  6. What can I do to manage and resolve conflicts among board members professionally?
  7. How can I ensure regular, transparent reporting to keep board members informed and accountable?
  8. What steps can I take to recruit and onboard new board members who bring diverse skills and perspectives?
  9. How can I set clear expectations for board performance and evaluate their effectiveness regularly?
  10. What can I do to ensure that board meetings are productive, focused, and action-oriented?

  1. How can I lead my team through change while minimizing resistance and anxiety?
  2. What steps can I take to effectively communicate changes to staff and stakeholders?
  3. How can I ensure that changes align with our organization’s mission and long-term goals?
  4. What strategies can I use to support my team in adapting to new processes and systems?
  5. How can I create a culture of flexibility and openness to change within my department?
  6. What tools can I use to assess the impact of changes and adjust plans accordingly?
  7. How can I identify and address potential barriers to implementing change successfully?
  8. What steps can I take to build buy-in and engagement from all levels of the organization during transitions?
  9. How can I manage the pace of change to avoid overwhelming staff while ensuring progress?
  10. What methods can I use to measure the success and sustainability of changes over time?

  1. How can I create a culture where collaboration is encouraged and valued?
  2. What steps can I take to improve communication and transparency between departments?
  3. How can I foster trust among team members to enhance collaboration?
  4. What tools and technologies can I introduce to facilitate seamless collaboration across teams?
  5. How can I ensure that everyone’s contributions are recognized and valued in collaborative efforts?
  6. What can I do to break down silos and encourage cross-functional teamwork?
  7. How can I promote open dialogue and the sharing of ideas to foster innovation through collaboration?
  8. What strategies can I implement to ensure remote teams collaborate as effectively as in-person teams?
  9. How can I create structured opportunities for team members to collaborate on shared projects?
  10. What steps can I take to resolve conflicts that arise during collaboration and turn them into opportunities for growth?

  1. How can I ensure that communication between departments is clear and consistent?
  2. What tools can I introduce to improve real-time collaboration and information sharing?
  3. How can I foster an open communication culture where feedback is encouraged?
  4. What strategies can I implement to ensure important messages reach all team members effectively?
  5. How can I streamline communication to reduce misunderstandings and delays in decision-making?
  6. What steps can I take to align communication practices across remote and in-person teams?
  7. How can I ensure that communication aligns with our organization’s mission and goals?
  8. What methods can I use to encourage cross-functional teams to communicate openly?
  9. How can I ensure that feedback loops are continuous and effective for all staff?
  10. What can I do to identify and resolve potential communication breakdowns early on?

  1. How can I identify the root causes of conflict within my team to address them effectively?
  2. What steps can I take to approach conflicts with a mindset focused on resolution and collaboration?
  3. How can I facilitate open communication between parties involved in a conflict?
  4. What strategies can I use to manage conflicts without allowing them to escalate further?
  5. How can I encourage team members to approach conflicts with empathy and understanding?
  6. What methods can I use to mediate disagreements between colleagues in a way that promotes fairness?
  7. How can I ensure that all parties feel heard and respected during conflict resolution?
  8. What steps can I take to create a conflict-resolution process that aligns with our organization’s values?
  9. How can I turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and improved relationships?
  10. What can I do to prevent conflicts from recurring and ensure long-term resolution?

  1. How can I develop my leadership skills to better support my team’s growth?
  2. What steps can I take to become a more decisive and confident leader?
  3. How can I foster a leadership style that aligns with our organization’s mission and values?
  4. What strategies can I use to inspire and motivate my team to achieve their best work?
  5. How can I improve my communication skills to provide clearer direction and feedback?
  6. What can I do to build trust and credibility with my team as a leader?
  7. How can I balance strong leadership with empowering others to take initiative?
  8. What can I do to mentor and develop future leaders within our organization?
  9. How can I improve my problem-solving and decision-making abilities in leadership roles?
  10. What steps can I take to create a culture of accountability and ownership within my team?

  1. How can I assess situations more thoroughly to identify the root causes of challenges?
  2. What steps can I take to develop a more analytical approach to problem-solving?
  3. How can I evaluate the long-term impact of potential decisions more effectively?
  4. What techniques can I use to challenge assumptions and explore alternative perspectives?
  5. How can I ensure that I am considering all relevant data before making decisions?
  6. What strategies can I implement to separate emotion from objective analysis in decision-making?
  7. How can I foster critical thinking skills within my team to improve collaborative problem-solving?
  8. What methods can I use to better identify biases in my thinking and decision-making process?
  9. How can I apply critical thinking to balance short-term goals with long-term organizational success?
  10. What can I do to create a culture where questioning the status quo is encouraged and valued?

  1. How can I ensure that our team embraces and values diverse perspectives in decision-making?
  2. What steps can I take to promote inclusive practices that support diversity in our daily work?
  3. How can I create opportunities for underrepresented voices to lead and contribute to key initiatives?
  4. What strategies can I implement to address unconscious bias in our recruitment and hiring processes?
  5. How can I foster a work environment where diversity is celebrated and contributes to innovation?
  6. What actions can I take to ensure that our programs and services meet the needs of diverse communities?
  7. How can I provide education and training on diversity, equity, and inclusion to my team?
  8. What can I do to ensure that diversity in leadership is prioritized and reflected in decision-making roles?
  9. How can I create systems for regularly evaluating and improving our diversity and inclusion efforts?
  10. What steps can I take to build partnerships with diverse communities and organizations to strengthen our impact?

  1. How can I streamline decision-making processes to ensure faster outcomes?
  2. What steps can I take to involve the right people early in the decision-making process?
  3. How can I prioritize decisions to focus on the most impactful ones first?
  4. What tools or techniques can I use to make data-driven decisions more effectively?
  5. How can I create clear decision-making frameworks to reduce delays?
  6. What can I do to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and move decisions forward faster?
  7. How can I foster a culture of accountability and ownership in decision-making?
  8. What strategies can I implement to ensure decisions align with our organization’s mission and values?
  9. How can I improve communication within my team to enhance decision-making clarity and speed?
  10. What steps can I take to balance swift decision-making with thoughtful consideration?

  1. How can I deliver feedback in a way that is constructive and promotes growth?
  2. What strategies can I use to give feedback that is specific and actionable?
  3. How can I create an open environment where team members feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback?
  4. What steps can I take to ensure feedback is balanced, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement?
  5. How can I tailor my feedback to different communication styles to make it more effective?
  6. What can I do to follow up on feedback to ensure that improvements are made?
  7. How can I ensure that feedback is ongoing rather than limited to formal reviews?
  8. What techniques can I use to handle difficult conversations when giving feedback?
  9. How can I encourage a feedback culture where team members offer constructive criticism to each other?
  10. What methods can I implement to ensure feedback is focused on behavior and results, not personal attributes?

  1. How can I become more aware of my own emotions and how they affect my interactions at work?
  2. What steps can I take to manage my emotions more effectively during stressful situations?
  3. How can I better recognize and respond to the emotions of my colleagues?
  4. What strategies can I use to improve empathy and understanding within my team?
  5. How can I use emotional intelligence to build stronger, more trusting relationships with stakeholders?
  6. What can I do to foster a positive, emotionally healthy work environment?
  7. How can I manage and resolve conflicts by using emotional intelligence?
  8. What steps can I take to improve my ability to give and receive feedback with emotional sensitivity?
  9. How can I use emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations or negotiations?
  10. What methods can I use to continuously develop my emotional intelligence for better leadership?

  1. How can I create opportunities for team members to take ownership of key projects?
  2. What steps can I take to delegate effectively and trust others to deliver results?
  3. How can I foster a culture where team members feel confident sharing new ideas?
  4. What strategies can I implement to mentor and develop future leaders within the organization?
  5. How can I provide constructive feedback that builds confidence and promotes growth?
  6. What actions can I take to support team members in reaching their full potential?
  7. How can I create an environment where everyone feels valued and included in decision-making?
  8. What steps can I take to ensure that everyone has the resources and tools they need to succeed?
  9. How can I recognize and celebrate the achievements of others to motivate and inspire them?
  10. What can I do to encourage a collaborative environment where individuals feel empowered to lead?

  1. How can I create a culture where innovative ideas are encouraged and supported?
  2. What steps can I take to identify new opportunities for innovation within my role?
  3. How can I involve my team in generating creative solutions to ongoing challenges?
  4. What processes can I implement to test and pilot new ideas with minimal risk?
  5. How can I stay informed about emerging trends that could lead to innovation in our sector?
  6. What can I do to break down barriers that might be stifling creativity in our organization?
  7. How can I ensure that our innovation efforts align with the needs of our beneficiaries and stakeholders?
  8. What tools or techniques can I use to foster creative thinking in my daily work?
  9. How can I build cross-functional teams to inspire diverse perspectives and innovative approaches?
  10. What systems can I implement to track and measure the success of our innovative initiatives?

  1. How can I identify the key digital skills that will drive our organization’s success?
  2. What steps can I take to improve my own digital skills and support my team in doing the same?
  3. How can I create a learning environment that encourages continuous development of digital skills?
  4. What training programs can I introduce to help staff build confidence in using digital tools?
  5. How can I assess and address the digital skill gaps in my team?
  6. What tools can I use to integrate digital literacy into our daily workflows?
  7. How can I encourage my colleagues to embrace new digital technologies and tools?
  8. What strategies can I implement to ensure that digital skills training is accessible to all staff?
  9. How can I create a mentorship or peer-support system to help team members improve their digital skills?
  10. What methods can I use to track and measure progress in the development of digital skills across the organization?

  1. How can I ensure that our growth aligns with our long-term mission and values?
  2. What strategies can I implement to scale our operations without losing quality?
  3. How can I effectively prioritize resources during periods of rapid growth?
  4. What steps can I take to maintain organizational culture as we expand?
  5. How can I build flexible systems and processes that support sustainable growth?
  6. What can I do to ensure that our infrastructure can handle increased demand?
  7. How can I identify and address potential bottlenecks that may arise as we grow?
  8. What tools or metrics can I use to track and evaluate our growth effectively?
  9. How can I foster leadership and decision-making skills in our team to support growth?
  10. What steps can I take to ensure growth remains financially sustainable in the long run?

  1. How can I ensure clear and consistent communication with my remote team?
  2. What tools can I implement to improve collaboration among remote team members?
  3. How can I build a sense of trust and accountability within a remote team?
  4. What strategies can I use to maintain team morale and engagement when working remotely?
  5. How can I ensure that remote team members feel connected to our organization’s mission and culture?
  6. What can I do to manage time zones and flexible work hours effectively?
  7. How can I provide effective feedback and support for remote employees?
  8. What steps can I take to ensure remote workers have the resources they need to be productive?
  9. How can I track performance and productivity without micromanaging remote team members?
  10. What can I do to foster collaboration and innovation in a remote working environment?

  1. How can I define clear metrics that align with our mission to measure impact effectively?
  2. What tools or software can I use to track the outcomes of our programs and initiatives?
  3. How can I collect meaningful data from stakeholders and beneficiaries to measure our impact?
  4. What strategies can I use to quantify both qualitative and quantitative outcomes?
  5. How can I ensure that we are measuring long-term impact, not just short-term outputs?
  6. What steps can I take to integrate impact measurement into our everyday operations?
  7. How can I involve my team in regularly assessing and reporting on impact?
  8. What reporting frameworks can I implement to communicate our impact to donors and stakeholders effectively?
  9. How can I use data from impact measurement to improve and refine our programs?
  10. What benchmarks or best practices can I use to compare our impact against similar organizations?

  1. How can I set clear, measurable performance goals that align with the organization’s mission?
  2. What strategies can I use to regularly track and evaluate individual and team performance?
  3. How can I provide ongoing, constructive feedback to help team members improve their performance?
  4. What tools can I implement to ensure performance reviews are consistent and objective?
  5. How can I create development plans that address performance gaps and build on strengths?
  6. What steps can I take to recognize and reward high performers within the organization?
  7. How can I foster a culture of accountability where performance expectations are clear and met?
  8. What methods can I use to address performance issues promptly and effectively?
  9. How can I ensure that performance management is linked to our organizational goals and objectives?
  10. What can I do to create an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged and supported?

  1. How can I take full responsibility for my actions and outcomes in my role?
  2. What steps can I take to ensure I consistently meet my commitments and deadlines?
  3. How can I improve my ability to follow through on tasks without being reminded?
  4. What strategies can I use to hold myself accountable for achieving my goals?
  5. How can I create a system to track my progress and take ownership of my development?
  6. What can I do to learn from mistakes and ensure accountability for future improvements?
  7. How can I better align my daily actions with the organization’s overall goals?
  8. What methods can I implement to communicate my progress and challenges openly with my team?
  9. How can I improve my ability to prioritize and manage time effectively to maintain accountability?
  10. What can I do to encourage a culture of accountability among my peers and colleagues?

  1. How can I identify the most critical tasks and prioritize them for maximum impact?
  2. What steps can I take to better manage competing priorities and deadlines?
  3. How can I implement a system to organize tasks based on urgency and importance?
  4. What tools can I use to streamline workflow and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently?
  5. How can I balance long-term projects with short-term tasks in my daily workflow?
  6. What can I do to delegate tasks effectively to ensure that team members are working on the right priorities?
  7. How can I regularly evaluate and adjust my workflow to align with changing organizational goals?
  8. What methods can I use to minimize distractions and stay focused on high-priority tasks?
  9. How can I ensure that my team’s workflow is aligned with the overall mission and objectives of the organization?
  10. What strategies can I implement to ensure that we meet deadlines without compromising quality?

  1. How can I ensure that all new initiatives align with our core mission and values?
  2. What processes can I put in place to regularly review our activities for mission alignment?
  3. How can I involve stakeholders in keeping our organization focused on its mission?
  4. What steps can I take to avoid pursuing funding opportunities that lead to mission drift?
  5. How can I communicate our mission clearly to all team members to ensure alignment in their work?
  6. What can I do to balance innovation with staying true to our core mission?
  7. How can I evaluate potential partnerships to ensure they align with our organizational goals?
  8. What metrics can I use to track how closely our activities align with our mission?
  9. How can I encourage open dialogue about mission alignment when considering new projects?
  10. What can I do to refocus our organization if we detect signs of mission drift?

  1. How can I foster collaboration between departments to eliminate silos?
  2. What steps can I take to improve communication across teams and functions?
  3. How can I create cross-functional teams to encourage innovation and problem-solving?
  4. What strategies can I use to ensure that our goals are aligned across all departments?
  5. How can I improve the flow of information between different parts of the organization?
  6. What tools can I implement to facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing across departments?
  7. How can I encourage a culture of openness and transparency to reduce siloed thinking?
  8. What can I do to align our department’s objectives with the overall organizational strategy?
  9. How can I create regular opportunities for departments to collaborate on shared projects?
  10. What steps can I take to ensure that resources are shared equitably across departments to support our collective goals?

  1. How can I prioritize resources to ensure that our organization is investing in the most impactful programs?
  2. What steps can I take to ensure that financial resources are distributed efficiently across departments?
  3. How can I allocate time and personnel effectively to meet both short-term and long-term goals?
  4. What tools can I use to track and manage the allocation of resources in real-time?
  5. How can I ensure that resource allocation aligns with our strategic goals and mission?
  6. What strategies can I use to balance limited resources while pursuing new initiatives?
  7. How can I evaluate the effectiveness of resource allocation to ensure maximum return on investment?
  8. What can I do to ensure that resources are reallocated quickly when priorities shift?
  9. How can I involve staff and stakeholders in the resource allocation process to ensure transparency and buy-in?
  10. What methods can I use to forecast resource needs and plan for future projects?

  1. How can I actively listen to others to ensure they feel heard and respected?
  2. What steps can I take to respect diverse perspectives and experiences in my team?
  3. How can I communicate in a way that shows respect for others’ ideas and contributions?
  4. What can I do to handle conflicts or disagreements with respect and professionalism?
  5. How can I ensure that I respect the time and commitments of my colleagues?
  6. What actions can I take to create a respectful and inclusive environment for everyone?
  7. How can I give constructive feedback in a way that maintains mutual respect?
  8. What can I do to ensure that my actions align with our organization’s values of respect and dignity?
  9. How can I model respect in my interactions with stakeholders, donors, and beneficiaries?
  10. What can I do to encourage a culture where respect is the foundation of all communication and collaboration?

  1. How can I identify potential risks to our programs and operations before they become issues?
  2. What strategies can I implement to assess the likelihood and impact of various risks?
  3. How can I create a risk management plan that aligns with our organization’s mission and goals?
  4. What steps can I take to ensure that our financial risks are minimized and monitored effectively?
  5. How can I encourage staff to proactively report risks and potential issues?
  6. What can I do to ensure that risk mitigation strategies are integrated into our daily operations?
  7. How can I balance the need for innovation with effective risk management?
  8. What tools or frameworks can I use to continuously monitor and assess risks in real-time?
  9. How can I ensure that risks related to compliance and regulation are addressed in a timely manner?
  10. What can I do to foster a risk-aware culture while still encouraging bold decision-making?

  1. How can I make our organization more attractive to top talent in the non-profit sector?
  2. What steps can I take to improve the candidate experience during recruitment?
  3. How can I ensure that our hiring process aligns with our organizational mission and values?
  4. What strategies can I use to retain skilled employees and reduce turnover?
  5. How can I create opportunities for career growth and development to keep our team engaged?
  6. What can I do to foster a positive work culture that attracts and retains talent?
  7. How can I better use data to inform our talent acquisition and retention strategies?
  8. What can I implement to support work-life balance and enhance employee satisfaction?
  9. How can I improve onboarding processes to ensure new hires feel welcomed and integrated?
  10. What can I do to ensure our compensation and benefits package remains competitive in the sector?

  1. How can I help my team feel more comfortable embracing new technologies?
  2. What steps can I take to ensure technology adoption aligns with our organization’s mission and goals?
  3. How can I create a strategy to introduce new technologies without overwhelming the team?
  4. What can I do to ensure that our technology solutions meet the needs of all departments?
  5. How can I identify and overcome resistance to new technology within the organization?
  6. What training can I provide to help my team develop confidence in using new tools?
  7. How can I evaluate the long-term benefits of new technology to ensure it’s worth the investment?
  8. What steps can I take to ensure that technology adoption supports, rather than disrupts, our daily operations?
  9. How can I foster collaboration between IT and other departments to ensure smooth technology integration?
  10. What best practices can I implement to continuously improve our technology adoption process?

  1. How can I prioritize my tasks to ensure that I’m using my time effectively?
  2. What strategies can I use to minimize time spent on unproductive tasks or distractions?
  3. How can I plan and structure my day to maximize productivity and focus?
  4. What can I do to make meetings more efficient and focused on clear objectives?
  5. How can I ensure that every meeting I schedule has a clear agenda and purpose?
  6. What steps can I take to limit the number of unnecessary meetings and increase productive work time?
  7. How can I manage my calendar effectively to balance meetings and focused work time?
  8. What methods can I implement to ensure that meetings stay on topic and run within the scheduled time?
  9. How can I follow up on meetings to ensure that actionable items are completed on time?
  10. What tools or techniques can I use to track my time and evaluate how effectively it is being used?

  1. How can I create a volunteer program that aligns with our organization’s mission and values?
  2. What strategies can I implement to effectively recruit volunteers with the right skills?
  3. How can I ensure our volunteers feel valued and recognized for their contributions?
  4. What onboarding process can I develop to integrate new volunteers smoothly into our team?
  5. How can I provide training that equips volunteers with the necessary skills for their roles?
  6. What steps can I take to improve communication between staff and volunteers?
  7. How can I retain long-term volunteers while also attracting new ones?
  8. What feedback mechanisms can I put in place to understand volunteer needs and concerns?
  9. How can I create a flexible volunteer program that accommodates different availability and skill levels?
  10. What can I do to track volunteer performance and measure their impact on our organization’s goals?

The Benefits Go Well-Beyond Learning Skills…


Accommodating Different Styles

We understand that individuals have diverse learning preferences, and also different ways they prefer to give and receive feedback.

Our program is designed to cater to a variety of styles to ensure all participants can engage meaningfully:

  1. Feedback Styles Guide: Right at the start of the program, participants go through a session on how to identify their own default preferred way of giving and receiving feedback, how to identify the styles of others, and how to best communicate in a way that honors both.
  2. Interactive Exercises: Participants engage with real-world scenarios and practical exercises, allowing those who prefer hands-on learning to apply concepts directly in their work environment.
  3. Written Materials and Case Studies: Each lesson has detailed written information and action items available as both a viewed online flipbook and as a downloadable pdf.  This format works well for those who prefer reading and reflection.
  4. Collaborative Learning: Participants are encouraged to collaborate with peers, which supports social learners who thrive on discussion, feedback, and shared experiences. Collaboration can be tailored to suit different sections of the program, ensuring dynamic, peer-based engagement.
  5. Reflection and Self-Assessment: Our comprehensive handbooks at each level—Foundation, Enhanced, and Advanced—provide guided self-assessment and reflection exercises, appealing to reflective learners who benefit from processing information internally and making connections at their own pace.

By offering a blend of written resources, interactive assignments, and collaborative opportunities, we ensure participants can approach the material in ways that suit their individual learning preferences.

Self Assessment is an Essential Tool

Self-assessment plays a pivotal role in personal and professional development. It fosters self-awareness, allowing individuals to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. By engaging in self-assessment, participants in the Praxis program are empowered to take ownership of their learning journey, continuously improving their performance and outcomes.

In these Praxis programs, in addition to the Topic Knowledge Self-Assessment at the beginning and end of each lesson – we offer four distinct self-assessment tools, each critical for success in today’s evolving workplace:

Collaboration and Teamwork

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of achieving goals in any organization. Our Collaboration and Teamwork self-assessment helps participants evaluate their ability to work cohesively within teams, manage conflicts, and communicate effectively. Understanding these dynamics ensures participants can contribute meaningfully to team efforts and drive collective success.

Critical Thinking

In a fast-paced world, critical thinking is essential for making informed decisions. This self-assessment allows participants to gauge their analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and capacity to evaluate complex situations. It highlights areas where further development is needed to enhance strategic thinking and adaptability.

Feedback Styles

How individuals give and receive feedback can significantly impact their growth. The Feedback Styles self-assessment helps participants understand their preferred feedback methods and how they can improve their approach. Knowing how to deliver and incorporate feedback is essential for creating a continuous learning environment.

Personal Inspiration

Motivation is key to sustained progress. The Personal Inspiration self-assessment enables participants to reflect on their internal motivation and daily positivity. By understanding what drives them, they can harness their inspiration to stay engaged, focused, and aligned with their personal and professional goals.

These self-assessment tools provide invaluable insights that allow participants to make targeted improvements, leading to both personal and organizational growth.

Experience Matters

Over the last 30-plus years our content creators have built up an extensive client list ranging across several countries, including governments, major financial institutions, non-profit organizations, and multinational corporations.

We keep strictly confidential our private client list, as well as the names of the individuals within the major organizations and the specifics of the work provided, but here is a small selection from our extensive range of corporate clientele with whom we have worked over the years:

Affordable Pricing Structure

We understand that providing high-quality learning programs for your entire organization can be a challenge, especially when budget constraints are a concern. That’s why we offer an affordable organization-wide membership, designed to make our professional development programs accessible to all staff without the prohibitive costs of individual enrollments.

Tired of having to restrict who can or can’t do a program because of budgetary limitations?

With this program, ALL your team members can have access if you so choose, and there is no more to pay!

You choose your Pathway and then:

  • You get access for your entire staff to all 300 units (30 topics x 10 unit questions per topic),
  • As well as three different level Handbooks that guide the participants through the material at a depth and complexity that suits their individual skills and experience – whether they just do one unit or the entire program.

Our affordable pricing structure allows you to pay monthly, on a yearly subscription renewal basis, providing flexibility and enabling your organization to invest in continuous learning without a significant upfront financial commitment. By offering a membership model, you can ensure that every team member has access to our diverse range of subjects, regardless of their role or level, helping your organization grow and thrive collectively.

Flex-10:  Organizations with up to 10 members – $2500/mo (or only $250/mo per person)

Flex-50:  Organizations with up to 50 members – $5000/mo (or only $100/mo per person)

Flex-200:  Organizations with up to 200 members – $10,000/mo (or only $50/mo per person)

Flex-500:  Organizations with up to 500 members – $15000/mo (or only $30/mo per person)

Flex-500+:  Organizations with over 500 members – Please ask for a specific quote

We believe that professional development should be inclusive and ongoing, not limited to a select few. This membership model enables your entire organization to benefit from customized, self-paced learning at a price point that’s manageable, empowering everyone to contribute to your organization’s success. Through this affordable structure, we are committed to supporting your mission of building a stronger, more adaptive, and future-ready workforce.

The Case for Training: Why Investing in Employee Development Makes a Measurable Difference

Employee Preferences for Learning and Development

  • 68% of employees prefer to learn or train on the job. (LinkedIn Learning, 2021)
  • Employees like to study or train at their own pace, according to 58% of those surveyed. (LinkedIn Learning, 2021)
  • 57% of employees now expect to learn on a ‘just-in-time’ basis. (LinkedIn Learning, 2021)
  • 74% of employees want to develop new skills to remain employable. (PWC, 2022)
  • 80% of employees want personalized learning tailored to their individual needs and goals in 2024. (TalentLMS)
  • 85% of employees claim they need training on using AI, yet only 1 in 10 were offered training in 2023. (Boston Consulting Group)
  • 92% of employees weigh L&D opportunities when choosing between two job offers. (People Management)
  • 70% of employees are inclined to quit their current job to work for a company that invests in employee development and learning. (PRNewswire, 2019)

Employee Engagement and Retention

  • 92% of employees say well-planned training programs positively impact their engagement. (Axonify, 2018)
  • 94% of employees believe they would stay with a firm for a longer period if they were involved in their learning and development. (LinkedIn Learning, 2020)
  • 94% of employees say training and development would convince them to stay with a company. (Clear Company, 2021)
  • 76% of employees see training as crucial to their work. (SHRM, 2022)
  • 55% say they need more development opportunities to improve their work. (SHRM, 2022)
  • 41% of employees plan to leave their employers in 2024 if training isn’t on the table. (TalentLMS)

Impact of Learning on Productivity and Business Outcomes

  • Every dollar invested in online training results in $30 in productivity. (PopVideo, 2016)
  • Employees who underwent leadership training improved their learning capacity by 25% and their performance by 20%. (Journal of Applied Psychology)
  • The required skill sets for modern work have changed by 25% since 2015 and are expected to double by 2027. (LinkedIn)
  • High-performing companies prioritize leadership training focused on character development, while low-performing companies do not. (Training Magazine)

For more information, or to incorporate the Praxis Novum Flex Program into your learning and development initiatives, please reach out:

Thank you, and we look forward to being of service.

…by the way, the initial podcast at the top of the page was generated entirely with AI – they are not real people, and we did not script what they said – it is ENTIRELY generated by AI…

If seeing something like that doesn’t convince organizations that we need to be paying attention to how we integrate AI into our operations, paying attention to how we develop our people, paying attention to developing critical thinking skills in our people so they can better evaluate situations… if that doesn’t shift the needle and prompt organizations to start doing things differently, we don’t know what will…